After Dendara, time to vist Abydos, one of the main cult areas in ancient Egypt. This huge necropolis is still in the process of being excavated, and much of it is out of boundaries, and therefore, impossible to visit to travellers.
We will visit nevertheless one of the most beautiful temples, that of Seti I, with a wonderful King's list (example with Sneferu, Khufu, (Sjetefre) and Khafre, but skipping HatShepsut and of course Akhenaton) and also see the mysterious Osireion.
For those interested in weird mysteries, Seti I's Temple contains an inscription clearly showing tanks, planes, helicopters and submarines. Unfortunately, these images can be easily explained by the superposition of two inscriptions, as described at the end of the visit.
During the last minuted of our visit we were attentively observed by the huge bats that inhabit the temple, who were just starting to wake up. May be they wait till only the last tourists remain in the temple to feed on them?
After that, a stop in Qena for a home made lunch. At the arrival to the hotel, we find a notice that a wedding is being celebrated at the pool area this evening, so not much chance to get to sleep early, even we need to get up even earlier tomorrow, to leave to the Valley of the Kings at 6AM!
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