Tuesday, July 25, 2006

SEA06: Only 48h, or the insurance nightmare

Everything is (almost) ready. My luggage mostly fits in my roller/backpack, after a bit of persuasion. Only some easy but vital details need to be sorted out. And one of those is the insurance. No sweat, I can get that one online, from one of the partners of Lonely Planet, WorldNomads, who specialises in adventurous travel. Mhhh.... I'm not living in the UK anymore (neither in Australia or New Zealand, obviously), and I'm not planning to travel to Australia during this trip, therefore it seems that the insurance I wanted to take would not cover me. Cold sweat. In a world where travel insurance is usually sold included in your travel package, and in a country where the length of bureaucratic procedures is measured in geological time-scales, realising that you do not have travel insurance barely two days before departure is a sure way to get stressed.
The people at WorldNomads swiftly and kindly tell me that they might (or might not) start offering the insurance I need from the 1st of August (or around, that date). That would be one week into my journey already. On the other hand, most French insurers either offer me yearly insurances, or tell me that I cannot pretend to get an insurance less than a couple of weeks/months before departure or that I could get one at three times the price of the normal premium, but only granting me half the cover. On top of that, no way to get the insurance done over the internet. Got to do it on the phone or find an insurance dealer.

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